Today hubby and I celebrated our 6th anniversary.  It feels like we just got married, don’t know where the time goes. We went out for some good Italian. I had the veal saltimbocca which is my favorite and he had the chicken parm.  What I didn’t have is alcohol.

It was tough not having a celebratory drink.  I would have loved a Cosmo or a white wine, but I don’t need alcohol to have fun, I keep telling myself this.  I don’t know how alcohol became synonymous with celebrations anyway, but I’m learning as I go, to get through events, feelings what have you, without grabbing a drink.

2 thoughts on “Anniversary

  1. Oh, well done and I bet the food tasted better without the wine! I am still struggling but you post made me remember how much I LOVE food and I am going to focus on enjoying good food, without the wine and alcohol. It’s a bit ironic to watch my husband over salt EVERYTHING….probably the wine’s doing to his taste buds, but food without salt is actually really good 🙂 Hugs and keep going, you are doing amazingly fabulous!

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